Busy Little Lamb
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Baby's Room: Bumper Pad
So I finally got around to making the bumper pad. What a nightmare. I decided to just pick apart our old one and re-cover it. So I ripped apart the whole thing and sewed the new one.... and it was all wrong. So I had to pick it out and start all over again. Awesome. Anyway.... I am pleased with how it turned out.
Such a fun fabric. I love all the bright colors up against the white.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Baby's Room: Name
I have about 11 weeks left until baby gets here. I have a few projects I need to get done before baby (because I will NOT be doing any sewing for at least a couple of months after). I love how it looks to put the baby's name above the crib. There are lots of different things you can do with the letters, but I wanted to do something a little bit different. Before we moved, I hit up DI and bought a frame for each letter. I think I ended up spending something like 9 dollars for 7 frames. Super cheap. If you bought them new (and on sale) you would probably spend that much on one 8x10 inch frame. I picked up some white spray paint from home depot and sprayed all the frames.
I got rid of the glass and mod podged some scrapbook paper to either the cardboard that was in the frame. I had to cut some new carboard for some of them because they were pretty tattered. I got some letters from Hobby Lobby, painted them, and glued them to the cardboard. Then I attached some ribbon to the back!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Gift Basket
Before we moved I wanted to give my friend a gift for her baby that would be born soon. Since my standard gift is hooded towels because I love them so much and still use them on my almost five year old.... I wanted to give her some too. Instead of just handing them to her (like I normally do) or sticking them in a bag, I ran over to the local thrift store and picked up this basket for a 1.50. Throw in some shampoo, lotion, and a rubber duck...... viola! Super cute.
If I had more time I probably would have wrapped it in cellophane and put a big bow on top.... but like I said, this was shortly before we moved.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
I had these for extra mirrors and I have had them above our headboard for a long time... but I wanted something with a little more style. So I had my sister help me cut out some vinyl on her cricut with a catridge I had bought. (Mine wouldn't cut the vinyl big enough) The turned out REALLY cute and I am way excited about them.
Now to just finish unpacking and organizing.....
Friday, March 18, 2011
Old Yucky stroller
I bought an umbrella stroller when my first boy was about 1. We were on vacation and didn't want to bring our huge stroller so I just bought when while I was there. I have ALWAYS hated it. I didn't like the color and the canopy was useless... it never blocked the sun. Honestly, I don't know why I ever bought it. I forgot to take a picture of it before but here is the fabric:
I don't know about any of you.... but I really don't like winnie the pooh for my boys for some reason. I love watching winnie the pooh... but I am not a huge fan of Mr. Pooh's paraphernalia. So first I dismantled the stroller. Then I picked all the stitching out so I could trace the ugly fabric.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Talented Friends

Saturday, February 19, 2011
Baby Bedding
My mom gave me this really cute white wicker dresser for the baby's room. We were just borrowing a crib with our first two boys and I am going to get a white crib to match the dresser. I have been to all of the fabric stores lately brainstorming ideas for the nursery. I finally found the one I want to use.
Isn't it cute? I think it will look really good up against the white crib. I am going to use it for the bumper pad. I would have bought it already, but they didn't have enough at my JoAnn's so I will just wait until we move. If they don't have it there, I can order it online.

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