Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Elastic Waistband Skirt

I got this idea from my sister-in-law's blog. Thank you Dasha! (You should check out her blog, she makes some really good things and is good at everything...even knitting. You will have to teach me some day Dasha!) This was a skirt that I could actually make and the place that she originally found it from has a really good tutorial. It is really easy to follow. (Obviously... if even I could do it.)

One of my favorite things about this skirt is it has pockets. LOVE IT! I love pockets. There is also a tutorial and instructions for a little girl skirt like this as well.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Watch Bands

So lately I have kind of gotten into the whole beaded watch band thing. They are a fast craft to make, and who doesn't love jewelry? You can get watch faces pretty cheap at Roberts, they are usually on sale. If they aren't, gotta love the 40% off! Here are a few I have done.
I think the huge beads are fun, but my wrists are so small that it kind of looks ridiculous. For myself... I stick with the smaller beads. :)