My mom found this cool idea for a chore chart on this blog. We thought it looked really cute and I knew my boys would love it. It is actually magnets. The idea is that you put the magnets under their name, and when they are finished... the kids then move the magnet to the blank board. My 3 year old absolutely loves it! We do chores together every afternoon! (Which is super good for me too because I tend to not be the most neat person. Dishes and laundry have always been struggles for me.)
So I first went to Home Depot and found metal roof sheeting. They are about a dollar a piece. I didn't want to spend a whole lot on wood, so I actually just got particle board. I figured it was fine if it didn't stick out that far from the wall. Cut the board to fit my three pieces of metal.
I painted the board, and prepared the metal. On the other blog she just stuck the paper to the metal sheets with double sticky tape so she could change it for holidays and stuff. I just wanted mine to match my kitchen and wanted the paper a little more durable. So before I glued the metal onto the board, I covered them in paper and modge podged them on. (Both underneath and on top.) I printed out their names and also mod podged those on. The reason I did it that way is so I could add names on the bottom halves of the paper when we have more kids. If it was typed directly on the paper I wouldn't be able to add so easily.
After the mod podge was dry I glued on the metal sheets with E6000 (basically my favorite glue ever. I use it for everything that you would normally use hot glue for.... much stronger). You have to let the glue dry overnight so I left it on the table with some heavy books on it.
Not so Idle hands has a printout of the graphics for the magnets. I ordered the 1 inch square glass tiles from here. You could also probably use the large circle glass pebbles from craft stores (in the flower section) and make your own graphics if you want to save money.... they are $1.50 for 25 or so of them.
That was a very detailed description with no instructional photos.... so check out Not so Idle Hands if you need some visual aides. :)
I love that! What a great idea. That is definitely the cutest chore chart I've ever seen.
i've toyed with the idea of making this chart. i just don't know where to put it. any ideas?
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