Sunday, April 11, 2010


The last time it was my turn to teach joy school I had W. I was dressed up as a witch when they came over, we made wizard hats, and I made them wands. My three year old is a little obsessed with magic and has been wanting a wand for a long time. I was trying to figure out how I could make a wand and not have it too girly.... so here is what I came up with:
There is one little girl in our preschool so I got to make one pretty wand.
They weren't too hard to make. I wrapped a dowel in ribbon and glued it as a went. Then I just attached to stuff to the top. Here are the little recipients. I think they liked them....
What do you think?
Happy spell casting!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

What a great idea! I love all the wands. The boy ones are just perfect and I'm glad you got to make a pretty wand.