My oldest has a best friend that moved to another state. They have been buddies since before they could walk (it also helps that her mom and I are best friends). This little girl always talks about how she wants to marry my son and how he is "her prince." I thought it would be fun for her birthday to send her a picture of them together. I didn't want it to just be in a regular frame so I decided to make it cute. The only things that aren't pictured are mod
podge and buttons.

You just cut out the paper and mod
podge it to the frame. (I took the glass out while I was working on it.)

I glued some buttons on after it was dry with my trusty E6000. (I should really be paid by them for how much I advertise their glue!) It turned out really cute.

I guess she is a little frightened by the buttons because she has seen Coraline..... but overall I think she likes it. :)
1 comment:
She loves it and carries it around with her everywhere! And she tells everyone about it. Thanks guys!
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