Thursday, February 18, 2010

Bracelets for the Kiddos

So I totally stole this idea from my mom. I was at her house this last weekend and she was making these adorable bracelets for her nursery kids. They were really fun to make, and since they are made of felt.... very minimal sewing. They look super cute on those tiny little wrists!
My boys love theirs!
Here are the ones my mom was making for the little girls. Isn't that adorable! Some day I can make cute things like this for my own little girl.....
hopefully. :)


Jennifer Lyn said...

So cute!

Chelsea said...

You SO need a girl!!! I'm crossing my fingers for you... although you make pretty cute boys so you can't go wrong either way!

Kevin and Wendy said...

You're totally going to have another boy, just accept the insanity now and it will be much easier when the time comes. haha, jk.