Thursday, October 28, 2010

Frilly Apron

My sister and I had a fairy tea party sleep over with my 7 year old niece this last weekend. Poor little thing is surrounded by boys. There are 9 grandsons and only 3 granddaughters on my side of the family. The other 2 girls live in Russia.... so she is seriously surround by boys at every family gathering. She is a really good sport about it all. But my sister and I wanted to do something totally girly for her. So we had a tea party, did her hair, painted our nails, and watched the latest Tinkerbell movie.... super cute by the way. We gave her all sorts of goodies. My sister made her an awesome wand with a butterfly on the top and I made her this:
I LOVE the colors! When I finished I wanted to keep it for myself! I am glad I didn't though. Her face totally lit up when I tied it on her. You can see the table in the background where we sat for our tea party. Isn't that fairy garland my sister made super cute?
Isn't she a cute little girl?! We had a lot of fun at our sleepover and I will miss her when we move away. :(

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Super cute apron. Is Rose too young to have a tea party? I want one. :)