Friday, December 25, 2009

Message Board

This is the same basic idea as the Clip Holder a couple posts ago. The only difference is I wanted it more square... and bigger. I put ribbons going both ways. I also stitched the corners with X's all the way through the cardboard. It would even look cute with little buttons or something at the intersections. This was a gift, but I definitely want to make one for myself too. I have just the place I want to put it. :)

1 comment:

Alexis said...

so I just caught myself up on all the creations I have missed since I last checked this blog...WOW! You are amazing!!!! I cannot believe how talented you are and at such an array of crafts!! I knew you could crochet and sew but man, you can do EVERYTHING!! I'm flattered at the phone number displayed on the board:)
I also LOVE LOVE LOVEEEEE those flowers you made...only one problem, they look absolutely gorgeous in your dark hair and I don't think they would be as cute in mine. Seriously, you look FABULOUS!!
I'm so glad to know YOU!!